What We Do
Raise the bar
The International Association of Military Defense Lawyer’s mission is to “raise the bar” in military justice practice.
Part of the government’s strength is their ability to leverage resources. At times, in certain geographical locations, defense attorneys collaborate and see improved results. Working in an organized, cohesive fashion across services will build for better prepared and better equipped defense counsel. We aim to serve as a conduit of learning and shared ideas to combat the government’s ever-increasing advantage born of legislative amendments that erode the client’s rights and protections.
Our Goals
By making our goal to “raise the bar” we are setting goals to provide a way to use resources that already exist into a workable outlet. All the case synopses in the world are not going to generate practical application.
Beyond our desire to run full military CLEs, we seek to create platforms that encourage innovation, collaboration, and sharing. For some practitioners, this will mean ensuring a basic level of knowledge and understanding, whereas for others it will mean assisting them in reaching higher levels of performance and advocacy.
The military does not provide meaningful training in motions practice, and frankly, it shows in the pleadings and litigation of motions. Counsel need more than a checklist of potential motions; they need to understand the tactics of when to file motions, how to draft them, and how to win them or use them to leverage alternative relief or to create pressure points. Ms. Stewart’s eBook “How to Draft Military Motions” soon will be available to the organization’s members.
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International Association of Military Defense Lawyers
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